Our Services

Geotechnical Report

Nowadays, it is a requirement of the local councils that a Geotechnical Report or Soil Report be provided for a building development as part of the Building Consent and resource consent process. It is common for the report to be referred to as simply the geotech report. The purpose of the geotech report is to ensure that the development proceeds without the risk of foundation problems or long term stability concerns.  Geotechncial report is commonly required for small and large scale subdivision, multi storey buildings, new dwelling, additions and alterations, commercial developments and infrastracture works.

Geotest Group specialises in the field of geotechnical engineering and can provide geotechnical input for all stages of development, from initial feasibility through to subsurface investigation, design, construction and certification. Our aim is to provide professional geotechnical advice, while also looking at the wider picture to ensure that a project is not only practical, but also cost effective.

A detailed geotechnical investigation is required for MBEI TC3 sites, sites prone to potential liquefaction hazards, and commercial projects. The investigation and reporting are needed by local authorities and structural engineers to confirm requirements for complex TC3 sites and commercial sites. Depending on the size and complexity of each project, the geotechnical investigation will typically consist of:

  • Shallow ground testing to 3.0m depth including Hand Augers, shear vane tests, and Scala Penetrometer tests.
  • Deep ground testing, which will include cone penetrometer tests (CPT) to a minimum of 15m below ground level where ground conditions allow, or Machine Borehole Tests, where CPT tests cannot be undertaken.

The price for a detailed geotechnical investigation and reporting is highly variable due to the size of the project and the number of tests required. There might be unforeseen conditions, that may require further testing excavation, laboratory testing of soils, and external peer review.

Depending on our current workloads and our subcontractor availability, the shallow and deep testing will commence within two to three weeks of confirmation from you and the report issued two to three weeks after. For super urgent jobs, the turnaround time can be reduced to four weeks in total.

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