Our Services

Structural Design ( Commercial & Residential )



Our structural engineers with experience on a wide range of projects provide expert support at every stage of your project. We work together with other professionals on projects ranging from a single beam for house alterations, high-end architecturally designed residential houses, commercial structures, seismic assessment of existing buildings (ISA and DSA), retaining wall design, earthquake damage assessment, and pre-purchase structural assessment for insurance purposes.

Our professional structural engineers provide the following specialist services:

  • Design of beams, columns, and frames using timber, steel, and concrete,
  • Design of foundation system for TC1, TC2, TC3, and mass movement sites,
  • Design of commercial and industrial buildings, including portal frames, tilt panels, and foundations (shallow or deep piled foundations),
  • Design of structural members for all types of residential developments,
  • Pre-purchase structural assessment reports confirming the structural conditions of residential structures, commercial and industrial buildings,
  • Structural design of retaining walls, including timber pole, masonry, and concrete walls with or without tiebacks,
  • Initial and detailed seismic assessments (ISA and DSA) to determine the seismic strength in terms of a percentage of New Building Standard (%NBS),
  • Design of seismic strengthening to meet 34%NBS, 67%NBS or 100%NBS,
  • Damage assessment reports and remedial works for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
  • Design of foundation re-leveling works, including full structural and geotechnical package and construction monitoring (PS1 and PS4),
  • Construction monitoring and PS4,
  • Design of temporary structures such as sheet pile, scaffolding, and propping design.